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New Guardrail Terminals
As of  October 1, 1998, new Federal legislation became effective requiring that all federally funded projects in all States must use guardrail terminals that have met the latest performance criteria. This criteria is known as NCHRP Report #350 and addresses an extensive crash testing and evaluation program. Highway Safety has these terminals in stock and available for shipment.

Tangent or Flared??
There are two basic applications for side-of-the-road terminals; tangent or flared.  The tangent terminal is designed to be installed parallel to the roadway without an offset. A flared terminal is designed to be installed with an offset. Both types of terminals can be directly attached to standard W-beam guardrail.  They may also attach to Thrie beam guardrail or concrete barrier with the use of a proper transition.

Highway Safety Corp offers two terminals that meet the new NCHRP 350 criteria. The Sequential Kinking T erminal (SKT) is a tangent terminal 50’0” long and has 8 wood breakaway posts. The FLared Energy Absorbing Terminal (FLEAT) is 37’6”; long and has 7 wood breakaway posts. The SKT and FLEAT are significantly easier and faster to install and maintain than competitive systems.





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